Fosse Gozzi

BY Vittorio Gozzi

“Fosse Gozzi” is an artisan company that mainly produces D.O.P. Fossa Cheese . But not only that. In the shop section you will find the full range of our products, which includes, in addition to the pure Pecorino Re del Fossa, mixed cheeses, olive leaf ripened, our magnificent Magnum cow’s milk cheese of about 6Kg, aged in the pit, and an excellent cave-ripened pecorino. The family-run business guarantees the implementation of each stage of product processing in perfect compliance with the centuries-old tradition of Fossa Cheese and/or the P.D.O. specification.

A little history...

The Fossa tradition takes us back to medieval times. This should be traced back to at least 1400 AD. In recent times the Statutes of Sogliano, until then thought to be lost, were found. It is clear from these that even then the practice of dimpling was regularly controlled. From 1278 to 1640 Sogliano was under the control of the Malatesta family, originally from Montefeltro. The 14th-century Malatesta Codices and the Statutes of Rimini corroborate the practice of dimpling. Documents then dating back to the 15th century recite how the custom of “cheese burial”  was widespread in Malatesta territory.

of nature

Fossa Cheese, in order to become a true masterpiece of nature, is treated with meticulous care by our master ditchers, in full respect of centuries-old tradition.


Preparation of the Pit

Its walls are lined
of straw to avoid direct contact of the cheese with the sandstone. For the same purpose, the bottom is equipped with natural wood planking.



Once the cheese  is laid in the pit it should be left inside for about 90 days. The  pit is closed with a natural wooden cover and sealed with plaster or similar mortar.



While sealed in the pit for about three months, the product undergoes an anaerobic refermentation that transforms its aroma, taste and even shape.



At its “resurrection” we will have a cheese with a typical flavor: fine, balanced, gentle on the palate and pleasantly spicy. Now the cheese will be more digestible and therefore preferred even by those with dairy intolerances.

Fossa cheese from Sogliano D.O.P.

Pure Pecorino, aged in our pits located in a Cave whose origins are lost in the mists of time. Ivory-white peel, irregular shape, chalky amber-white paste, intense aroma, distinct slightly spicy flavor. The production of “Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano D.O.P. cheese” complies in all its stages with the appropriate specification.

The quantity refers to a whole wheel 1.2 kg or so.

"If we take a good cheese And we bury it, will turn into a Nature's masterpiece: The Fossa Cheese"
Vittorio Gozzi

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