Grand regal carpaccio

Preparation time: 10 min | Difficulty: low | Recipe cost: low | Servings per : 4 people


  • gr. 400 of beef tenderloin,
  • gr. 200 of “Pecorino di Grotta” cheese,
  • gr. 60 of fresh truffles,
  • olive oil,
  • Lemon juice,
  • salt – pepper to taste.

Let macerate in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Before bringing it to the table, arrange the very thinly cut slices of tenderloin on a large plate, season with plenty of oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Arrange the Pecorino di Grotta cheese and truffle cut into slivers on the meat slices. To taste, serve the carpaccio on a bed of misticanza.

Used in this recipe: Pecorino di Grotta.

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Grand regal carpaccio

Preparation time: 10 min | Difficulty: low | Recipe cost: low | Servings per : 4 people Ingredients: gr. 400 of beef tenderloin, gr. 200

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